Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Colour Me Erratic

Acrylic on Raw Canvas

Whenever I choose to create a piece of art, I have to ask myself a number of impossible questions. Like-"Should I paint any representational detail?""Can I defy the image?" " Will I bow to the pressure of reality?"
"Will I allow the viewer to see something of the image I am painting?" Inevitably, the questions are answered in my subconscious as I let the brush and the paint overtake my rational mind.So, although I consider myself to be a pure abstractionist, I often succumb to the  need to allow the viewer to "see" with my eyes.
There is always a part of my psyche which leads me down the path of perceptual acceptance. Yes, I will let the viewer in on my little secret.

I have studied the formal principals of art. Foundation- that's the name given to the earliest part of art education. Then the artist has years to unlearn everything. Oh, it's been a struggle not to paint landscapes, portraits and flowers. Those are the paintings which sell easily. I compromise. Somewhat and sometimes.
One day I will resist the urge to show any recognizable image. But for now I walk the tightrope of style. The style which lies between intuition and cognition.

My viewers usually comment on the wide range of styles and media in which I work. Yes, I am erratic, catch me on any particular day and you will see the yin and yang of the artist. I am not all things to all people, just to me.

DESIGNING WOMEN - Please email me for the specs and the price.

1 comment:

  1. The shape of the mannequin echoes the lines of my pose in my FB BLOG badge! Funny, right?
